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Student Presentation Video Available on the AASV Website

A video of Jennifer Schurrer’s AASV student presentation entitled Area Spread of PRRS Virus and the Role of Houseflies is now available in the Students section of the AASV website. Jennifer won the 2005 AASV Student Presentation Award at the annual meeting in Toronto, Canada.

Jennifer’s presentation examines four main questions:

  1. Can houseflies transmit PRRS virus?
  2. Can houseflies transport PRRS virus throughout an agricultural region?
  3. What factors can influence PRRS virus retention in houseflies?
  4. What are effective strategies for on-farm fly control?

To answer these questions, she reports on information collected from existing literature as well as original research she and her advisors conducted at the University of Minnesota.

Viewing the presentation on the website requires Flash Player 8 which can be downloaded via a link on the AASV website. The presentation is a large file and will require a few minutes to fully download using a high speed internet connection. If you only have access to a dial-up connection, the slides are also provided so you can print them out for later viewing. Although it may take a few minutes to access the information, it’s well worth the wait to view this informative, timely, well-done presentation!