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Graduate Certificate Program in Veterinary Homeland Security Enrollment Now Available

The Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine in cooperation with The Purdue Homeland Security Institute announces a Graduate Certificate Program in Veterinary Homeland Security to begin May 2006.

The Veterinary Homeland Security Graduate Certificate Distance Learning Program is designed to meet the needs of practicing veterinarians that may be involved in an emergency response. Distance learning allows participants to fit courses into their already busy practice schedule.

Participants would:

  • Enhance understanding of natural and intentional threats to animal health;
  • Strengthen skills to prevent animal health emergencies;
  • Develop problem solving expertise to be an effective member of an animal emergency response team.

Elective courses such as crime scene management will allow the veterinarian to develop a specialty in a specific area of Veterinary Homeland Security. The program is a cooperative effort among the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, the Purdue University Homeland Security Institute, the Indiana Board of Animal Health and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Currently, there is a significant shortage of veterinarians to serve our nation’s needs in public health, regulatory medicine and food animal medicine. The provision of remotely accessible, quality training for existing veterinary professionals by this program is an effort to address the current shortage.

Classes begin in May 2006! Enrollment information is now available.

For additional information on how to enroll, email Mr. Thad Blossom, Agricultural Outreach Coordinator, Purdue Homeland Security Institute at