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Thank you, sponsors!

AASV members attending the annual meeting make a substantial investment in the form of registration fees, travel, lodging, meals, and potential loss of income while away from work. However, the cost of attendance would be even greater – or the quality of the meeting experience reduced – if it were not for the financial support provided by corporate sponsors. The AASV extends its sincere appreciation for the sponsorship of meeting events by the following companies:

Schering-Plough Animal Health (Saturday Opening Night Reception)
Alpharma Animal Health (Student Seminar and Veterinary Student Scholarship)
Newport Laboratories (Veterinary Student Travel Stipends)
Fort Dodge Animal Health and Wyeth Animal Health (Sunday Welcome Reception)
Intervet (Sunday Student Reception)
Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. (Monday Luncheon)
Elanco Animal Health (Monday AASV Awards Reception and Veterinary Student Scholarships)
Novartis Animal Health US (Internet Kiosk)
Pfizer Animal Health (Tuesday Lunch)