The self-appointed National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production conducted a congressional briefing to discuss antibiotic resistance and its link to animal agriculture. The briefing was attended by approximately 100 staffers. This is in advance of the release of a commission technical report (the first of eight) on antimicrobial resistance. The commission is planning a second briefing on Friday February 29th on the topic of environmental issues.
The commission was formed in March 2006 through a $2.6 million Pew Charitable Trusts grant to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to examine the ways "industrial farm animal production can affect public health, the environment, rural communities and animal welfare." The commission will issue a comprehensive report of its findings on April 29, including recommendations.
The National Pork Producers Council is part of a coalition of livestock and poultry organizations that has monitored the commission’s proceedings and work. However, despite its claim to conduct a "comprehensive, fact-based and balanced examination," early signs suggest that the commission’s technical reports will largely ignore the livestock and poultry industries’ input.