Nearly all, 95 percent, of pork producers have registered their premises and obtained a nationally standardized farm identification number, often referred to as a standard premises identification number (PIN). According to Patrick Webb, Pork Checkoff director of swine health, this demonstrates the clear understanding by producers of the importance of implementing the Swine ID Plan, so the industry has a standardized animal identification and pre-harvest traceability system for animal health that is consistent across all states.
"Having the traceability infrastructure in place at the state and national level is crucial for maintaining and expanding export markets and offers us an invaluable tool to use in the event of a foreign animal disease," says Webb. "It offers us a layer of protection that would not be possible without it."
Even as USDA transitions to the new Animal Disease Traceability framework, Webb says for pork producers it is business as usual concerning the implementation of the Swine ID Plan across the industry.
"The Plan fits within the new framework and producers in all 50 states and Tribal Nations can still request a premises identification number," Webb said.
For additional insight, see the background of the Swine ID Plan or visit the frequently asked questions page on For more information, contact Patrick Webb,, 515-223-3441.