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AASV Salary Survey Now in Progress

What’s a swine vet worth? Isn’t that what we all want to know? Are your salary and benefits comparable to those of your colleagues? Are you paying your associate veterinarians enough to keep them from looking for greener grass elsewhere? What do you need to offer a young veterinarian to be competitive with other offers he/she is likely to receive? The answers to these questions start with YOUR participation in the 2014 AASV Salary Survey! If you’re an "Active" AASV Member (non-retired veterinarian) in the US or Canada, please go to (username and password required) to obtain a security code and access the online survey. It’s much simpler and less painful than the income tax returns you just filed, we promise. Once the data collection period has ended, the survey results will be pooled and shared with the AASV membership – and we’ll have the answers to our questions. The more participation, the more valid the results – so do your part and complete the survey today!