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AASV Opens Exhibit Registrations for 2017 Annual Meeting

A pair of opportunities for corporate participation in the AASV 2017 Annual Meeting are now open. The association is accepting registrations for the Technical Tables Exhibit as well as submissions for the Industrial Partners oral and poster presentations. The 2017 conference will be held February 25th through the 28th at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Denver, Colorado.

The Tech Tables Exhibit provides an opportunity for the exchange of information between commercial technical representatives and veterinarians attending the conference. More than 80 companies and organizations participated in the 2016 exhibit in New Orleans.

The exhibit area will open on Monday morning, February 27, and remain staffed during the sessions until Tuesday, February 28 at 12:00 noon. As in the past, participation is on a first-come basis and is restricted to scientific and technical material that will enable the swine veterinarians at the meeting to receive the best information possible about each company’s products and services. Additional information and the application form are available at Register online at Participating companies must complete the application process by October 31, 2016 to be assured of inclusion in the printed program booklet.

Companies are also invited to participate in the “Industrial Partners” portion of the meeting, which provides opportunities for both oral and poster presentation at the conference. Submissions for these presentations are due September 30. For more information, see