The 2012 concept paper, A Proposal for a Revised Structure of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, described a new structure for the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) and provided criteria for each level of laboratory, as well as new processes such as periodic review of the levels. This new NAHLN structure preserves the oversight, leadership, administration, and roles and responsibilities for the Network. At the same time, it gives the NAHLN added flexibility to respond to national animal health testing needs, and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of network members. The number of laboratories in each level was not explicitly defined, except for reference to meeting the national ‘need’, as determined based on geographic distribution, population density of animals, farm gate values, risk of FAD introductions, etc. In 2014, a plan for transitioning to the restructured network was outlined by the NAHLN Coordinating Council. The latest NAHLN Update newsletter describes the current status of the restructuring and outlines the requirements for participation in the NAHLN.