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Ramirez Appointed Interim Assistant Dean

Dr. Alex Ramirez has been appointed Interim Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine effective June 1.

In announcing the appointment, Dr. Pat Halbur, Acting Dean Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, noted, "the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) is core to the college’s success. Assuring that our veterinary students get a solid education is the most important thing we do as a college. The responsibilities of the OASA in student recruitment, education, wellness and retention are extremely important and increasingly demanding. The competition for recruitment of students has perhaps never been more challenging."

In this new part-time role, Dr. Ramirez will focus on strengthening career and financial assistance counseling, improving undergraduate and professional student academic advising, working with student organizations, growing and improving the development and administration of scholarships, overseeing the VM4 orientation, providing input on VM1 orientation, and leading international student programs.