AASV and the Iowa State University AASV Student Chapter are excited to extend the invitation for all AASV members to view the Swine Medicine Talks: An AASV Seminar Series for Veterinary Students!
The Swine Medicine Talks are a 3-part swine medicine seminar series, hosted by the ISU AASV student chapter and funded by the AASV student recruitment committee. The series is currently available by live audio/video stream to other veterinary schools across North America and to AASV members, and it is completely free!
Spring Dates
April 7 6:00PM CT – Dr. Mike Eisenmenger: Being a Well-Rounded Swine Vet
Zoom link: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/96416495708
If you have any questions regarding the Swine Medicine Talks, please contact McKenna Brinning at brinning@iastate.edu.
Did you miss the previous lectures? The recordings of previous Swine Medicine Talks have been added to the AASV Video Library and are available for members to view at https://www.aasv.org/members/only/video/smecast/