The AASV is pleased to announce the program for the Student Seminar at the 54th AASV Annual Meeting in Aurora, Colorado. Thirty-five veterinary students from 14 universities submitted abstracts for consideration. A panel of six veterinarians representing private practice, industry, and academia reviewed and scored the abstracts to select 15 for oral presentation and 20 for poster presentation at the meeting. A grant from the Zoetis Foundation supports $750 awards for the students selected to participate in the oral session and $250 awards for the poster presenters.
At the meeting, the students’ oral presentations will be judged to determine the recipients of AASV Foundation scholarships, including the $5000 top student presenter scholarship supported by the grant from the Zoetis Foundation and 14 additional scholarships from $500 to $2500 funded by Elanco Animal Health.
The Student Seminar, co-chaired by Drs Andy Bowman and Justin Brown, will take place Sunday, March 5, from 1:00 to 5:15 pm. The scholarship awards will be announced during the noon luncheon on Monday, March 6. The schedule for the Student Seminar oral presentations follows:
Concurrent Session #1: Student Seminar
Sunday, March 6, 2023
1:00 – 5:15 PM
Session Co-chairs: Andrew Bowman and Justin Brown
1:00 Evaluation of on-farm point-of-need testing using influenza A virus in swine (IAV-S) as a model
Adam Tatnall, University of Illinois
1:15 Comparison of IFA versus ELISA for assessing maternal and post-vaccination PCV2 antibody levels
Erin Russell, Lincoln Memorial University
1:30 Prevalence of IAV-S in unvaccinated postweaning piglets
Alyssa Ruston-Bray, University of Illinois
1:45 Water-based foam depopulation in swine: Evaluating brain activity, animal behavior, and logistical aspects
Jack Korenyi-Both, Ohio State University
2:00 Impact of amine-based cleaner on the control of coccidiosis in piglets
Ellen Gibbs, University of Missouri
2:15 Everything that grows is not gold; Evaluating the effect of sampling techniques on culture of disease-associated Streptococcus suis from diseased nursery-aged pigs
Amber Vegter, Iowa State University
2:30 Evaluation of the IgA response to attenuated-live oral Lawsonia intracellularis vaccine
Kendall Sattler, Purdue University
3:15 Evaluation of various grueling protocols on nursery pig performance and survivability
Carly Bates, Iowa State University
3:30 Mucin 4 is a marker of necrotizing bronchiolitis in influenza A virus infection
Rachel Kanefsky, Tufts University
3:45 Comparison of tongue tips, serum, and processing fluids for PRRSV monitoring in neonates
Taylor Jansen, Purdue University
4:00 Pharmacokinetics of oral clonazepam and its effect on serum cortisol in growing pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus)
Gregory Shanks, University of Tennessee
4:15 Comparison of environmental sampling methods to detect PRRSV on contaminated surfaces
Hope Dohlman, Iowa State University
4:30 Efficacy of PRRSV vaccination regimens to overcome maternal immunity in PRRSV-positive weaned pigs
Adam Steffensmeier, Iowa State University
4:45 Evaluation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus maternal antibody interference in commercial wean pig populations using a PRRS modified live virus vaccine
Mallory Wilhelm, Iowa State University
5:00 Assessing tongue samples from mortalities as additional PRRSV and IAV-S surveillance on protected nursery and finishing sites
Dylan Wulfekuhle, Iowa State University
5:15 Session concludes