Monthly Archives: April 2023
- Boehringer Ingelheim 2023 GRANTS Call for Proposals Deadline April 14 (April 3 '23)
- 2023 Annual Meeting Podcasts Now Online (April 3 '23)
- Abstract: Assessment of seasonality of rotavirus PCR detection in swine from Ontario and Quebec between 2016-2020 using submissions to a diagnostic laboratory (April 3 '23)
- Early-career swine vet program under way; participants announced (April 3 '23)
- SMEC to Hold Four CSSC Trainings (April 4 '23)
- BE HEARD: Tell Us What You Thought about the Annual Meeting (April 4 '23)
- Position Announcement: Research Veterinarian (April 4 '23)
- Almond Honored with W.W. Shay Award for Industry Distinction (April 4 '23)
- SHIC Identifies JEV Research Gaps to Fuel Preparedness/Response Efforts (April 4 '23)
- Position Announcement: Chief Executive Officer (April 4 '23)
- SHIC Programs Highlighted at AASV Annual Meeting Underscore Mutually Beneficial Relationship (April 4 '23)
- April Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report Now Available (April 4 '23)
- Position Announcement: Animal Nutrition Technical Service Manager (April 4 '23)
- Wellness Wednesday - Heard at AASV (April 5 '23)
- AASV Foundation Funded Research: Final Report Available (April 5 '23)
- Abstract: A one-health review on brucellosis in the United States (April 6 '23)
- Abstract: Clostridial diarrheas in piglets: A review (April 7 '23)
- ARS battles brucellosis in wildlife to protect domestic livestock (April 7 '23)
- Webinar April 26 - Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp): Impact, management approaches and new diagnostic technology (April 7 '23)
- Zoetis Foundation Announces First Round of 2023 Grants to Advance Farmer and Veterinarian Education, Livelihoods and Well-being (April 7 '23)
- Call to Action: Combat illegal xylazine while protecting veterinary access (April 7 '23)
- AASV Annual Meeting Resources at Your Fingertips (April 7 '23)
- CE Conference: American College of Animal Welfare (April 8 '23)
- Register Now: SMEC and NPB to Host FAD Tabletop Exercise (April 11 '23)
- Position Announcement: Research Veterinarian (April 11 '23)
- Making an Impact: Scott Dee Honored at UMN (April 11 '23)
- Swine Medicine Talk April 20 – Register Now! (April 11 '23)
- Wellness Wednesday (April 12 '23)
- Position Announcement: Interdisciplinary Supervisory Biological Scientist/Veterinary Medical Officer (April 12 '23)
- SHIC-Funded JEV Risk Assessment Update in Progress (April 12 '23)
- Abstract: Estimation of a Within-Herd Transmission Rate for African Swine Fever in Vietnam (April 14 '23)
- Abstract: Global Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Equipment Management and Sustainability and Implications for Pandemic Preparedness Priorities (April 14 '23)
- CE Conference: American College of Animal Welfare (April 17 '23)
- Webinar April 26 - Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp): Impact, management approaches and new diagnostic technology (April 18 '23)
- Wellness Wednesday (April 19 '23)
- SHIC Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program RFP Round 2 Deadline Approaching (April 19 '23)
- National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Tour Informs Pork Industry Representatives (April 19 '23)
- Free Respiratory Protection 101 Webinar Available (April 19 '23)
- What's a Swine Vet Worth? You Tell Us! AASV Salary Survey Now Under Way (April 19 '23)
- Report Available: PACCARB's Preparing for the Next Pandemic in the Era of Antimicrobial Resistance (April 19 '23)
- People on the Move: Dr. Kevin Eggers (April 20 '23)
- Abstract: Composting of Wild Boar Carcasses in Lithuania Leads to Inactivation of African Swine Fever Virus in Wintertime (April 21 '23)
- People on the Move: Dr. David Pyburn (April 25 '23)
- Abstract: Development of a highly sensitive point-of-care test for African swine fever that combines EZ-Fast DNA extraction with LAMP detection: Evaluation using naturally infected swine whole blood samples from Vietnam (April 25 '23)
- Abstract: Assessing feral swine damage in the western gulf region of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas (April 25 '23)
- Inactivating ASFv: Does it Require 59°C or 100°C? (April 25 '23)
- PED Elimination Plan Developed for Manitoba (April 25 '23)
- USDA Announces $2.29 Million in Farm Bill Funding to Protect Animal Health (April 25 '23)
- CE: Save the Date: ZOHU Call May 3, 2023 (April 25 '23)
- APHIS Releases New Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 (April 25 '23)
- Be Prepared: Transitioning Certain OTC Antimicrobial Products to Rx June 2023 (April 26 '23)
- Wellness Wednesday (April 26 '23)
- What's a Swine Vet Worth? You Tell Us! AASV Salary Survey Now Under Way (April 26 '23)
- Position Announcement: Swine Veterinarian (April 26 '23)
- Resource Reminder: Resource Directory for Early Career Veterinarians (April 28 '23)