AASV Position Statement: Pig Welfare

The welfare of pigs is the accepted ethical and professional responsibility of all swine veterinarians. We support, assist, and educate swine caregivers in practices that promote and protect the health and well-being of pigs.

Swine veterinarians advance proper swine care by preventing, treating, and controlling disease, addressing and reducing pain and distress, safeguarding animal health, and teaching good husbandry practices. We make decisions regarding animal care and well-being by combining scientific knowledge and professional judgment with consideration of ethical and societal values.

As veterinary professionals, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and its members will continue to improve pig welfare through scientific research, education, and advocacy.

Approved by the AASV Board of Directors on April 3, 2018.
Reaffirmed by the AASV Board of Directors on April 8, 2021.

This statement replaces previous AASV positions on the Welfare of Swine.