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Journal of Swine Health and Production

November and December, 2009

Cover Photo

"The end" of the year cover
Photo courtesy of Tina Smith

 The Journal of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians

President’s message: PRRS eradication: An ignis fatuus or missed opportunity?

From the Executive Director: Hard times

Flavophospholipol: Effect on multi-drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in swine
Dorr PM, Gebreyes WA
(PDF PDF version available)

Evidence that persistent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection in pigs does not require significant genetic change in open reading frame 5
Chang CC, Yoon KJ, Zimmerman JJ
(PDF PDF version available)

Practice tip: Feed additives for swine: Fact sheets – carcass modifiers, carbohydrate-degrading enzymes and proteases, and anthelmintics
Jacela JY, DeRouchey JM, Tokach MD, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

News from the National Pork Board:

  • Industry prepared for novel 2009 H1N1 virus
  • APHIS guidelines for swine influenza virus
  • Enhanced biosecurity protocols announced
  • New swine euthanasia research begins
  • Pork Checkoff: Workers need flu shots

AASV news:

  • Nominate exceptional colleagues for AASV awards
  • Applicants sought for Alternate Student Delegate on AASV Board of Directors
  • Student Recruitment Committee seeks practitioners to mentor students

AASV Annual Meeting Program
(Updated meeting information is at

AASV Foundation news:

  • AASV Foundation requests research proposals
  • AASV Foundation plans 2010 auction

AASV Foundation golf outing

Advocacy in action: The current crisis in agricultural research

Straight talk: The “I” in “Involvement”

Thank you, reviewers

Also in the print edition:

The Journal of Swine Health and Production is published by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the endorsement, official attitude, or position of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, the Journal of Swine Health and Production, or any Industry Support Council member. The Journal of Swine Health and Production is a refereed publication and is a benefit of membership in the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.