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Thank you, reviewers (Nov 2008)

Thank you, reviewers
Working together and creating a journal to be proud of!

The editorial staff of the Journal of Swine Health and Production would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of the following individuals for their service as referees for the manuscripts that were reviewed between September 23, 2007, and September 21, 2008. We apologize if we have inadvertently left a reviewer’s name off the list.

Gary Althouse
Sandra Amass
Leena Anil
Mike Apley
Butch Baker
Lisa Becton
Brad Belstra
Dean Boyd
Brian Caldwell
Peter Chenoweth
Martin Clunies
Anne-Marie Dalin
Scott Dee
John Deen
Jerome del Castillo
Robert Desrosiers
Steve Dritz
Sandra Edwards
Mike Eisenmenger
Steve Ensley
Gene Erickson
Ming Fan
Tom Fangman
Elías Rodriguez Ferri
Billy Flowers
Bob Friendship
Julie Funk
Connie Gebhart
Tony Goldberg
  Marcelo Gottschalk
Roberto Guedes
Pat Halbur
Charles Haley
Steve Henry
Dick Hesse
Derald Holtkamp
Trish Holyoake
Dan Hurnik
Rika Jolie
Locke Karriker
Johannes Kauffold
Roy Kirkwood
Robert Knox
Chris Kuster
Dominiek Maes
Jan MacInnes
Guy-Pierre Martineau
Bill Mengeling
Gay Miller
Adam Moeser
Bob Morrison
Morgan Morrow
Michelle Mostrom
Janice Murphy
Hans Nauwynck
Simone Oliveira
Tanja Opriessnig
Fernando Osorio
  John Patience
Maria Pieters
Paul Pitcher
Roman Pogranichniy
Zvonimir Poljak
Dale Polson
David Pyburn
Chris Rademacher
David Reeves
Luci Rosca
Richard Ross
Kurt Rossow
Marcos Rostagno
Albert Rovira
Juan Samper
Al Scheidt
Kent Schwartz
Nicoline Soede
Ken Stalder
Michael Strobel
Brad Thacker
Eileen Thacker
Sid Thakur
Bob Thompson
Jerry Torrison
Rick Tubbs
Warren Wilson
Jeff Zimmerman