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News from the AASV
AASV holds summer conference

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) held the 3rd annual Advanced Techniques for Swine Veterinarians conference at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine on June 22–23. This year’s conference, entitled “Optimizing Resources,” was attended by 47 participants, including 24 veterinarians, 16 students, and seven program-committee members. There were 21 speakers addressing topics including ventilation, sow lameness, injection techniques, market-weight and feeding strategies to maximize profits, and how to manage media challenges. In addition, the group evaluated a number of case studies and was treated to a series of practice tips over dinner.

The Advanced Techniques conference is designed especially for AASV members who wish to expand their knowledge and skills to become more proficient swine practitioners. With an emphasis on interactive demonstrations and case-study applications, the program focused on how to make the most of the resources available to swine veterinarians in order to help clients stay in business during these challenging times.

The following companies sponsored the conference: AcuShot, Allflex USA, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc, Dow Microbial Control, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Idexx Laboratories, MVP Laboratories, Neogen, Novartis Animal Health US, PrimaTech, and Sirrah Bios. In addition, the ISU staff and students were instrumental in assuring a successful conference. The AASV thanks the sponsors, ISU staff and students, and the program committee for their continued support.

Nominate exceptional colleagues for AASV awards

Do you know an AASV member whose dedication to the association and the swine industry is worthy of recognition? The AASV Awards Committee requests nominations for the following five awards to be presented at the upcoming AASV annual meeting in Omaha.

Howard Dunne Memorial Award – Given annually to an AASV member who has made a significant contribution and rendered outstanding service to the AASV and the swine industry.

Meritorious Service Award – Given annually to an individual who has consistently given time and effort to the association in the area of service to the AASV members, AASV officers, and the AASV staff.

Swine Practitioner of the Year – Given annually to the swine practitioner (AASV member) who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency in the delivery of veterinary service to his or her clients.

Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year – Given annually to the technical services or allied industry veterinarian who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of veterinary service to his or her company and its clients as well as given tirelessly in service to the AASV and the swine industry.

Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year – Given annually to a swine veterinarian who is an AASV member, 5 years or less post graduation, who has demonstrated the ideals of exemplary service and proficiency early in his or her career.

Nominations are due December 15. The nomination letter should specify the award and cite the qualifications of the candidate for the award. Submit to: AASV, 902 1st Avenue, Perry, IA 50220-1703; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail:

ARS influenza research update

The USDA Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS’s) National Animal Disease Center (NADC) has released results of two studies associated with pigs exposed to the novel H1N1 influenza virus. The first examines serologic cross-reactivity and the second investigates whether meat, blood, and tissue from pigs infected with the new 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus is free of infectious virus.

Project 1: Serologic cross-reactivity of serum samples from US pigs against the new 2009 H1N1 influenza virus

This study addressed whether US commercial swine herds are susceptible to the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses isolated from persons in California, New York, and Mexico. ARS researchers tested serum samples from pigs inoculated with swine influenza viruses that are known to circulate in the US and samples from pigs vaccinated with commercial vaccines to determine if US commercial swine herds are susceptible to the new H1N1 influenza virus. They found that there was limited cross-reactivity against the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses. This suggests that pre-existing immunity induced by swine influenza viruses previously circulating in the United States may not protect pigs against the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses presently circulating in people. Importantly, vaccines currently used to protect pigs on US swine farm operations against swine influenza viruses may not be effective against the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses.

Next step: ARS scientists will test the efficacy of a select subset of swine influenza virus vaccines tested in this first study and evaluate their effectiveness in a pig vaccination challenge study to determine whether measurable antibody titers in pigs correlate with protection against the new A/H1N1 influenza virus.

Project 2: Four-pig pathogenesis study with the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza virus

This study addressed whether meat, blood, and tissue from pigs infected with the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza virus are free of infectious virus. ARS researchers tested four 5-week-old crossbred pigs from a herd free of swine influenza virus. The pigs were inoculated with an infective dose of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza virus isolated from persons in California. Pigs were observed daily for 5 days for clinical signs of disease, and nasal swabs and fresh samples from lung, tonsil, inguinal lymph node, liver, spleen, kidney, skeletal muscle (ham), and colon contents were tested by the most sensitive virus detection assays. Live 2009 A/H1N1 influenza virus was detected only in the respiratory tracts of infected pigs, and the virus did not appear to spread and replicate in other tissues.

Next step: ARS scientists will conduct a larger study to evaluate tissues at additional time points (1, 3, 5, and 7 days post inoculation).

Conclusions: Project 1: Pre-existing immunity induced by swine influenza viruses previously circulating in the United States may not protect pigs against the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses presently circulating in people. Importantly, vaccines currently used to protect pigs on US swine farms against swine influenza viruses may not be effective against the new 2009 A/H1N1 influenza viruses. Project 2: Live 2009 A/H1N1 influenza Virus was detected only in the respiratory tracts of infected pigs, and on the basis of the day 5 post-infection samples, the virus does not appear to spread and replicate in other tissues.

Additional information is available on the ARS website at

Vaccine adverse event reporting

The USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB) maintains an Adverse Event Reporting program to ensure that veterinary biologics are in compliance with the Virus Serum Toxin Act. This pharmacovigilance program relies, in part, on the reporting of adverse events associated with the administration of vaccines and other biologicals. The CVB would like to remind veterinarians of the importance of reporting such events.

Pharmacovigilance of veterinary biologics has two main functions. One is to serve as an alert system for detecting the possibility that a product may not be performing as intended. Secondly, pharmacovigilance also provides an essential source of descriptive baseline information about the behavior of a vaccine or other veterinary biologics when used under everyday field conditions.

An adverse event is any undesirable occurrence after the use of a veterinary biological product, including illness or reaction, whether or not the event was caused by the product. Potential adverse events may occur immediately (eg, hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis) or for up to 2 weeks following administration of the product (eg, anorexia, fever, lethargy, nasal or ocular discharge, distress, vomiting, diarrhea).

While these events may or may not be associated with the administration of the vaccine, adverse-event reports are assessed for the possibility of a product deficiency. When necessary, testing is performed or additional information sought. Receipt of a report by the USDA does not necessarily imply that the product caused an adverse event, or even that a particular event actually occurred.

Adverse events may be reported either to the manufacturer or to CVB directly. Contact CVB at 800-752-6255 to request reporting directions. A report of an adverse event may be filed by submitting the information via the Web at or by downloading or requesting a blank form and faxing the completed form to 515-232-7120 or mailing it back to the CVB at 510 South 17th Street, Suite 104, Ames, IA 50010.

Call for abstracts – Industrial Partners

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians invites submissions for the Industrial Partners portion of the 41st AASV Annual Meeting, to be held March 6–9, 2010, in Omaha, Nebraska. This is an opportunity for commercial companies to make brief presentations of a technical, educational nature to members of the AASV.

As in the past, the oral sessions will consist of a series of 15-minute presentations scheduled from 1:00 to 5:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, March 7. A poster session will take place on the same day. Poster authors will be required to be stationed with their posters from 12:00 noon until 1:00 pm, and the posters will remain on display throughout the afternoon and the following day for viewing by meeting attendees. All presentations – oral and poster – will be published in the proceedings of the meeting. However, poster presentations are limited to publication of a one-page abstract containing no more than one table or figure.

Restricted program space necessitates a limit on the number of presentations per company. Companies that are members of the Journal of Swine Health and Production Industry Support Council (listed on the inside front cover of JSHAP) may submit two topics for oral presentation. All other companies may submit one topic for oral presentation. Each company may submit one additional topic for poster presentation. All topics must represent information not previously presented at the AASV annual meeting or published in the meeting proceedings.

Topic titles, a brief description of the presentation content, and presenter information (name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address) must be received in the AASV office by October 1, 2009. Please identify whether the submission is intended for oral or poster presentation. Send to: Commercial Sessions, AASV, 902 1st Avenue, Perry, IA 50220; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail:

Authors will be notified of their acceptance by October 15, 2009, and must submit the formatted paper for publication in the meeting proceedings by November 16, 2009. Companies failing to submit papers in a timely manner will not be eligible for future participation in these sessions.

Call for abstracts – AASV 2010 Student Seminar and scholarships

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians announces an opportunity for up to 15 veterinary students to make scientific presentations during the Student Seminar at the AASV Annual Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, on Sunday, March 7, 2010. Interested students are invited to submit a one-page abstract of a research paper, clinical case study, or literature review for consideration. The submitting student must be a current (2009-2010) student member of the AASV at the time of submission (the membership application is available at

Abstracts and supplementary materials must be received by Dr Alex Ramirez ( by midnight on Friday, September 25, 2009 (firm deadline). All material must be submitted electronically. Late abstracts will not be considered. The abstracts will be reviewed by an unbiased, professional panel consisting of a private practitioner, an academician at a school from which no students have submitted an abstract, and an industry veterinarian. Students whose papers are selected for presentation at the meeting will be notified by October 15, 2009, and will be expected to provide the complete paper or abstract for publication by November 16, 2009.

To help defray the costs of attending the AASV meeting, Alpharma Animal Health provides a $750 honorarium to the student presenter of each paper selected for the seminar.

Veterinary students whose papers are selected for presentation at the meeting will be eligible to compete for one of several veterinary-student scholarships awarded through the AASV Foundation. The oral presentations will be judged to determine the amount of the scholarship awarded.

Alpharma Animal Health funds a $5000 scholarship for the student whose paper, oral presentation, and supporting information are judged best overall.

The Eli Lilly & Company Foundation, on behalf of Elanco Animal Health, has provided $20,000 in additional funding, enabling the AASV Foundation to provide awards of $2500 each for 2nd through 5th place, $1500 each for 6th through 10th place, and $500 each for 11th through 15th place.

Students whose papers are not selected for oral presentation in the Student Seminar will be eligible to be considered for participation in a poster session at the annual meeting. Alpharma and the AASV fund a stipend of $250 for each student who is selected and participates in the poster presentation.

Complete information for preparing and submitting abstracts is available on the AASV Web site at Please note: the rules for submission should be followed carefully. For more information, contact the AASV office (Tel: 515-465-5255; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail:

Dr Torremorell to serve as Leman Chair

Dr Montserrat Torremorell has joined the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine as the Allen D. Leman Chair in Swine Health and Productivity.

The Leman Chair was established in 1995 in honor of Dr Allen Leman, a former faculty member at the college and an inspirational leader who made significant contributions to the global swine industry. Previously, Dr Torremorell was head of global health strategy at Genus/PIC and prior to that, she was health director at Sygen International and vice president of health assurance for PIC USA.

Dr Torremorell, who succeeds Dr Peter Davies as Leman Chair, has an extensive background in swine health, research, and production systems, including health improvement strategies, disease eradication and biosecurity programs, and health genomics. She is also an expert in swine influenza when it comes to strategies to control and alleviate the disease in the animal population.

MP3 CD for windshield time

Along with the individual interview podcasts available at, AASV members may now download a “disc image” containing all 30 speaker interviews from the 2009 annual meeting plus the audio from three keynote lectures and the four “Learning from the Best” speakers in the general sessions – over 12 hours on one CD.

Most recent car/truck stereos can play back MP3 files from CD-R discs you record on your computer — look for an “mp3” logo on the unit or mention of mp3s or ISO-9660 format in the manual. Additional instructions are online.

$100,000 for 2009 PRRS research

For the 7th year, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc (BIVI) will present its annual Advancement in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Research Awards. This year, BIVI awarded $100,000 to support four separate studies by independent swine researchers and practitioners to find ways to diagnose, control, and eradicate PRRS. New research efforts focus on lateral infection, ventilation factors, and biosecurity. The following are the 2009 research award recipients and their research proposals.

Jerry Torrison, DVM, University of Minnesota, will look at biofilters’ effects on the quantity of virus to determine the amount of PRRS virus exhausted from mechanically vented finishing barns versus barns with biofilters placed on the outside of exhaust fans.

Darwin Reicks, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St Peter, Minnesota, will study the effects of modified-live PRRS vaccine alone or in conjunction with killed-virus vaccines on late-term pregnant gilts.

Spencer Wayne, DVM, Pipestone Veterinary Clinic, Pipestone, Minnesota, will evaluate the ecology of the PRRS virus in farrowing and virus-transmission risk factors prior to weaning.

Amber Stricker, DVM, Suidae Health and Production, Algona, Iowa, will study whether there is a predictable degree of variability in PRRS virus ORF5 sequencing within and among state diagnostic laboratories.

Butch Baker, DVM, Iowa State University, and AASV president, served on the PRRS Research Review Board. He was joined by Bill Mengeling, DVM, Iowa State University/National Animal Disease Center (retired); Locke Karriker, DVM, Iowa State University; Tim Loula, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St Peter, Minnesota; Luc Dufresne, DVM, Seaboard Farms; and Daryl Olsen, DVM, Audubon-Manning Veterinary Clinic, Audubon, Iowa.

The research proposals were selected on the basis of established criteria that include potential for economic impact to the pork industry, originality and scientific quality, and probability of success in completing the study.

Source: Pork Magazine