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News from the National Pork Board (Mar 2013)

Pork Checkoff LogoNews from the National Pork Board
Checkoff research drives science-based knowledge

To better determine the return on investment made by America’s pork producers, the Checkoff reviewed the research projects funded from 2005 to 2009. As part of this effort, Checkoff contacted researchers who had worked on Checkoff-funded projects during these years. Of the 227 contacted, nearly 80% offered feedback on 320 of the 403 total Checkoff-funded projects. Here are some of the main findings:

•  The $24.5 million invested in research during these 5 years directly resulted in over $45 million of additional research. This is an increase of 185% in additional research value that benefitted the industry.

•  The projects resulted in 822 publications, outreach, and further action.

•  Checkoff-funded research was cited 1475 times in additional research, building additional science-based information from the original research project.

Pork Checkoff-funded research (2005-2009) reference impact

* “Other” includes publications such as Webinars, software, factsheets, magazine articles, Web sites, white papers, and books/book chapters contributions.

General Swine Disease and Foreign Animal Disease Research 2004-2012

This new 46-page booklet is intended to provide producers, veterinarians, and veterinary researchers with an informational resource covering 9 years of Checkoff-funded research that focused on endemic (domestic) swine diseases and foreign animal diseases. To view the online version, go to under the Research tab.

For more information, contact Lisa Becton at or 515-223-2791.

2013 Environmental Stewards nominations open

Environmental stewardship is hard work and sharing the experience gained may help others become better caretakers. Environmental stewardship requires constant work and a serious commitment. The Environmental Steward Awards Program is open to pork producers of all types and sizes of production operations who demonstrate their positive contribution to the environment. The official application form for 2013 is posted on (PDF or MS Word). The application deadline is March 31, 2013. Winners are featured in an educational video, receive a special plaque, and are recognized at an awards ceremony at the annual Pork Industry Forum.

For more information, contact Mike King at or 515-223-3532.

Sow Housing Webinars slated

To get the latest information and insight about today’s sow-housing options, plan to register at for the 2013 Pork Checkoff Sow Housing Webinar series, set to begin on March 26 at 1:00 pm Central Time. The free, 45-minute Webinars will feature top experts discussing the following:

After each presentation, participants will have an opportunity to ask the experts questions. For those who miss any of the Tuesday and Thursday sessions, they will be archived on for subsequent viewing. To register, go to

For more information, contact Sherrie Niekamp at or 515-223-3533.

Pork Checkoff offers FAD Fact Sheet

This new fact sheet by the Pork Checkoff on foreign animal disease (FAD) outlines what steps should be taken in the event of an outbreak. The fact sheet offers three key points:

1.  FADs are a very serious concern, not only for the health and well-being of the animals, but also for their immediate effect on the movement and sale of pigs.

2.  While biosecurity should always be a high priority and producers should always report suspect FADs, it is crucial to be more vigilant if a FAD is confirmed in the United States.

3.  If a producer is directly contacted by State Animal Health Officials or Federal Animal Health Officials, he or she should abide by the guidance they provide.

Visit under the Resources tab for more information or contact Patrick Webb at or 515-223-3533.