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AASV committees accomplish goals; plan work for 2020

Fourteen issue- and membership-based committees met during the 2020 American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ (AASV) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The AASV Board of Directors establishes committees to address specific issues associated with swine veterinary medicine and provide recommendations for actions to the AASV leadership. The AASV committees are an integral part of the leadership structure within AASV and they also serve as a great way for members to participate in developing positions for the association, learn about critical issues, network with other members, and develop their own leadership skills. During 2019, more than 350 AASV members volunteered to serve on at least one committee, with many serving on multiple committees, providing expertise and valuable experience focused on swine health, public health, animal well-being, production, and member services.

The following are some highlights from the committee meetings:

The committees are a critical part of the AASV leadership, and AASV members, leaders, and staff appreciate the efforts of the volunteer members. If you are interested in learning more about committee activities, visit the committee web pages at Contact the committee chair or the AASV office to join a committee.

Abbey Canon, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Director of Public Health and Communications