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AASV News (Nov 2015)

Nominate exceptional colleagues for AASV awards

Do you know an AASV member whose dedication to the association and the swine industry is worthy of recognition? The AASV Awards Committee requests nominations for the following five awards to be presented at the upcoming AASV annual meeting in New Orleans.

Howard Dunne Memorial Award – Given annually to an AASV member who has made a significant contribution and rendered outstanding service to the AASV and the swine industry.

Meritorious Service Award – Given annually to an individual who has consistently given time and effort to the association in the area of service to the AASV members, AASV officers, and the AASV staff.

Swine Practitioner of the Year – Given annually to the swine practitioner (AASV member) who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency in the delivery of veterinary service to his or her clients.

Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year – Given annually to the technical services or allied industry veterinarian who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of veterinary service to his or her company and its clients, as well as given tirelessly in service to the AASV and the swine industry.

Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year – Given annually to a swine veterinarian who is an AASV member, 5 years or less post-graduation, who has demonstrated the ideals of exemplary service and proficiency early in his or her career.

Nominations are due December 15. The nomination letter should specify the award and cite the qualifications of the candidate for the award. Submit to AASV, 830 26th Street, Perry, IA 50220-2328; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail:

Is your practice on “The List?”

Does your veterinary practice provide opportunities for veterinary students to observe and practice the skills needed to become a swine veterinarian? If the answer is “yes,” please make sure you’re on “The List.” Veterinary students rely on practitioners in the field to provide practical, hands-on experience, and one way they find out about opportunities in swine practice is by checking the AASV’s list of internships and externships at

Thanks to recent efforts by AASV Alternate Student Delegate Emily Mahan-Riggs and Webmaster David Brown, the internship-externship list has been updated and expanded. With enhanced searching capabilities and the inclusion of more detailed information in the listings, students are better able to search and identify opportunities matching their goals, thus reducing the number of queries to busy practitioners.

The opportunities on “The List” are divided into two categories: 1) internships, loosely defined as experiences lasting 8-14 weeks, often in the summer, and often paid; and 2) externships, which are generally 1-2 weeks in length, often unpaid, and typically involving fourth-year veterinary students. The availability of lodging, transportation, or both, and the opportunity to work on a research project, are additional factors that are noted within the listings.

If your practice or company is already on the internship-externship list, thank you! Please contact AASV if changes to your listing are indicated. If you are not on the list, please contact AASV ( to provide your information. Veterinary students who are interested in swine practice will appreciate it!

Don’t forget, the AASV Foundation provides externship grants of up to $500 per student for participating in a 2-week or longer swine externship with an AASV-member practitioner. See for details and encourage eligible veterinary students to take advantage of this assistance.