Write, write, submit, repeat

The scope of the Journal of Swine Health and Production (JSHAP) is to publish peer-reviewed information that encompasses an applied and practical focus in the many facets of swine production. This issue is a solid example of the diversity of topics the journal reviews as well as a solid example of the diversity of genres we consider. I really enjoyed reading the manuscripts in this issue and I hope you do as well. The journal encourages prospective authors to review our journal genres, and for more details regarding the different genres the journal publishes, I direct you to one of my previous messages that highlights those details.1

I cannot help but wonder how the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is going to influence submissions to scientific journals, and more specifically to JSHAP. Also, how is this time of uncertainty influencing people’s schedules, priorities, and time availability to dedicate to the peer-review process. The journal has seen both ends of the spectrum with some authors and reviewers having more time availability and others with nothing to spare. It is clear that we are all experiencing this pandemic differently. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many facets of life as we know it, and the swine industry has most certainly felt the impact. What about ongoing research and new swine-focused applied research? How do researchers and veterinarians conduct, or encourage participation in, new research projects in an applied farm setting during a human disease pandemic? I don’t have a full answer, but I suspect a partial answer is very carefully. We need to be mindful of human health. We need to look after our health, the health of the animals in our care, and the health of our industry.

To find the silver lining in all of this, and if you are in the category of finding yourself with extra time on your hands, perhaps this is an ideal opportunity to get back to writing those manuscripts that have been sitting in the “to-do” pile. I know I have a few. The JSHAP office is in full operation, we have been doing this remotely for years. So, stand up, dust off those partly finished manuscripts, write, write, submit, repeat! Be well and enjoy this issue!


*1. O’Sullivan T. Manuscript genres [editorial]. J Swine Health Prod. 2013;21:183.

* Non-referred reference.

Terri O’Sullivan, DVM, PhD
Executive Editor