Executive Editor's message

Bon voyage and welcome aboard!

This spring, the journal officially said “Happy retirement and bon voyage” to our publications manager, Karen Richardson.

I hope you had the chance to read Karen’s message in the previous issue but in case you did not know, Karen has been with the journal since 2001.1 I know many of you have had the chance to meet Karen in person at the AASV Annual Meeting over the years. And many of you have worked with Karen directly with some aspect of the journal, be it as an author, a reviewer, or both. I have had the privilege of working with Karen for over 10 years at the journal and at the University of Guelph. As Karen embarks on her retirement endeavors, I personally have shed many tears as I will miss working together. I also feel fortunate that I live “close-ish” to Karen and will be able to continue to see her in a casual capacity as friends.

Karen - may your retirement be filled with joy and happiness. On behalf of the journal, I would like to say thank you for all your dedication and love for the journal and all things AASV.

With retirements come new and exciting beginnings! I am also very happy to announce that Rhea Schirm will be joining the journal as the incoming publications manager. And with that I would like to say, “Welcome aboard, Rhea!”

You will all have the opportunity to meet Rhea at upcoming meetings and through email communications you have with the journal. I am looking forward to working with Rhea and will let her introduce herself in an upcoming JSHAP issue. In the meantime, she will be working with Karen to learn the ropes and I invite you to extend a warm welcome to Rhea!

The journal continues to have a healthy line-up of quality manuscripts that span a wide range of swine health and production issues. I hope you enjoy this issue.

Terri O’Sullivan, DVM, PhD
Executive Editor


*1. Richardson K. My life with AASV and JSHAP [Editorial]. J Swine Health Prod. 2022;30(3):129.

* Non-refereed reference.