From the editorial office

Emily’s role as proofreader

As I reflect on the past year of working as the proofreader for the Journal of Swine Health and Production, my scope of knowledge of the swine industry has broadened. It has also been an honor to take over a portion of the responsibilities Karen Richardson held within the journal when it comes to proofreading. It has been a pleasure to join this amazing team of individuals that help ensure this journal is a success.

My background being in the areas of education and English, this role has had quite the learning curve and one that I have thoroughly enjoyed. From manuscripts on testing diarrhea to the process farmers and visitors undergo to keep pig farms safe and disease free, I welcome the opportunity to gain insight from the wise words shared by these industry professionals. Not to mention, it was an honor to meet so many expert veterinarians at the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting that are on the front lines of these studies.

In the proofreading role, there are quite a few steps that take place before a manuscript shows up in my inbox. Once I receive the notification that there is something to be reviewed via email, I then go into the program that we use to make comments and suggestions throughout. I work closely with Sherrie Webb to identify errors as well as ensure that manuscripts follow the journal style and proper formatting.

I also regularly communicate with Rhea Schirm, the JSHAP publications manager, to ensure that deadlines are being met. Once everything is complete and submitted to Tina Smith for design, Sherrie will order a hard copy of the final draft to look over for final edits. If any additional errors are found, I will then work to correct them with Sherrie and the graphics team. The last step of the process will come directly from the printer. This will be the last time I see the journal before it goes to print. At this point, I will be looking for any formatting issues or errors that stand out in the final version.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the JSHAP team and look forward to the future of this journal and the swine industry.

Emily Hanna