In 2021, the AASV Foundation granted $17,189 to partially fund Dr. Darwin Reicks’ project, "Investigating differences in the source of Serratia and other bacteria in boar semen." The project is complete and the final report is available.
The objective of Dr. Reicks’ project was to build on previous studies and more specifically identify the differences between boars who are part of a batch of semen where Serratia was identified and boars who were not. In addition, further comparisons were made between boar studs that have never identified Serratia in extended semen and those that frequently identify Serratia and experience downstream fertility losses.
Results were shared in a poster presentation at the 2022 AASV meeting.
Read the final report: Investigating differences in the source of Serratia and other bacteria in boar semen.
Visit the AASV Foundation Research webpage to learn about other funded projects and read interim and final repots.