AASV Foundation news

Interested in becoming board certified in animal welfare? The AASV Foundation can help!

The AASV Foundation offers a scholarship program for AASV members seeking board certification in the American College of Animal Welfare (ACAW). Applicants must have either a DVM or VMD and at least 5 years of continuous membership in the AASV.

The ACAW scholarship provides annual reimbursement for actual expenses related to the board certification program. Reimbursable expenses include travel, course fees, and textbooks, but not lost income. The maximum amount of reimbursement is $20,000. An additional incentive payment of $10,000 will be paid upon successful and timely completion of ACAW board certification. A selection committee reviews and selects scholarship recipients as applications are received.

To be considered for the scholarship, the applicant must provide a curriculum vitae, an ACAW-approved program plan, and three letters of reference (one of which must come from the applicant’s mentor). Accompanying these materials, the applicant’s letter of application should provide a brief description of the applicant’s background and interest in animal welfare and reasons for pursuing board certification in ACAW, how the scholarship funds will be utilized if awarded, and how the applicant anticipates serving the swine industry and AASV as a result of becoming board certified in ACAW.

Submit applications to:

AASV Foundation 830 26th Street Perry, Iowa 50220 foundation@aasv.org

For more information, contact the AASV Foundation by phone, 515-465-5255, or email, foundation@aasv.org or visit aasv.org/foundation/ACAW_Scholarship.php.

New AASVF-Zoetis Foundation Student Debt Relief Grants

The AASV Foundation (AASVF) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the Zoetis Foundation to initiate the AASVF-Zoetis Foundation Student Debt Relief Grant program. Thanks to funding provided by the Zoetis Foundation, the AASVF will award ten $7500 grants to swine veterinarians.

The goal of the program is to help relieve some of the student debt burden associated with the significant financial cost of completing a veterinary medical education. The grants are funded through a $75,000 award provided by the Zoetis Foundation. The AASV Foundation will select the grant recipients and present the awards during the 2024 AASV Annual Meeting.

The AASVF-Zoetis Foundation Student Debt Relief Grants will be in addition to the Dr Conrad and Judy Schmidt Family Debt Relief Scholarship program already in place, which will continue to offer debt relief awards to AASV members engaged in private practice. The new program not only increases the number and amount of grants to be awarded, it also broadens the applicant criteria to enable a larger subset of the membership to apply for and receive debt relief.

For additional information or to apply, see aasv.org/foundation or contact foundation@aasv.org.

Student poster presentation awards increase

In recognition of the ever-increasing costs associated with preparing the high-quality poster presentations we have come to expect from AASV student members, the Zoetis Foundation has increased their support of the student poster presentations at the AASV Annual Meeting. As a result, the AASV Foundation will award $500 to each student poster presenter, a substantial increase from the previous award of $250. The award recognizes the student’s participation and helps offset the costs involved in preparing the poster and traveling to the AASV Annual Meeting.

Students: Swine externships, grant funds available

Veterinary students, are you planning a swine-based externship experience? The AASV Foundation provides grants of up to $500 to students who complete an externship of at least two (2) weeks in a swine practice or a mixed animal practice with a considerable swine component. Any AASV student member in veterinary school who fulfills the requirements is eligible to apply. More information can be found at: aasv.org/students/externgrant.

To help locate the perfect opportunity, check out the roster of practices and companies willing to mentor students at aasv.org/internships/index.php.

AASV members, does your veterinary practice host students? Please contact AASV’s Alternate Student Delegate Alexis Berte (studentdelegate@aasv.org) to have your internship and externship opportunities included in AASV’s online listing. Make sure students who visit your practice are aware of the opportunity to join AASV and apply for the grant!